About the Journal

Journal of Reproducible Research (JRR) is a double-blind peer reviewed electronic journal with e-ISSN: 2948-5282. This is an initiative of World Research Union, which is a subsidiary of Vally Links Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia.

The predominant aim is to unite the researchers and researches through our exertions. This OA (open access) journal is setup for the purpose elevating the significance of reproducible research, i.e., to encourage researchers to repeat the same analysis multiple times, at any point in that process to obtain new findings. By JRR quality and credible research manuscripts will be published after a thorough scrutiny in content, research process, analysis, writing style and practical contribution either to Government or society or corporate. JRR is focused on reproducible researches in diversified sciences, that is, the datasets of every submitted research manuscripts shall be made available on requests. Diversified sciences is a broad area whereby every streams can be embedded into it. Researches that can enhance or boost the application of social sciences, STEM, arts etcetera are invited with priority. Blind-review of manuscripts will be done among the review board to sustain the quality of publications. One of the objectives of any journal is to promote research and make it reach to larger section of people.

We are focused on new research addressing applied research, information technology, business and management, educational technology, mass communication, healthsciences, economic policies, creative arts, political science and engineering. Journal of Reproducible Research (JRR) therefore publishes manuscripts from all disciplinary, be it theoretical or in methodological perspectives. It is designed to be read by policy makers, scholars, researchers, students, and teachers.