
Journal of Reproducible Research (JRR) accepts only particular format as our typeset. Due to voluminous submission, our content management personnel would not be available to edit and format the accepted papers. Therefore, we request authors to download the sample-template from JRR Sample Template . To be precise,

Title of Journal - Times New Roman, Black font, 12 size, Bold, justified

Author Affiliation - Times New Roman, Black font, 10 size, Italics, justified

Abstract heading - Calibri (body), Black font, 10 size, Bold

Abstract content - Calibri (body), Black font, 8 size, justified

Content Headings - Times New Roman, Black font, 10 size, Bold, justified

Content Sub-headings - Times New Roman, Black font, 10 size, Italics, justified

Content - Times New Roman, Black font, 10 size, justified

References - APA 7th Edition (using Mendeley or EndNote is must)

Download JRR sample-template at 

JRR Sample Template