Exploring the factors influencing consumers’ willingness to purchase online art courses on the CCTalk platform


  • Qiulun Chen Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Thailand
  • Nutteera Phakdeephirot Rattanakosin International College of Creative Entrepreneurship, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Thailand


Consumers’ willingness, Purchase online, Art courses, CCTalk platform


In the context of the Internet, online education has always been a hot topic of concern, but art education has often been overlooked. To address this gap, this study takes the Chinese Hujiang CCTalk online education platform as an example to validate factors influencing consumers' willingness to purchase online art education products. Based on the consumer "black box" theory and the division of social and psychological factors by scholar N. Ramya, the study investigates whether these factors can influence the willingness to purchase online art education products. The study employs quantitative research methods, online questionnaire surveys, purposive sampling, descriptive statistical analysis, validity and reliability analysis, SEM model testing, and path analysis on 408 collected data sets. The research results indicate that perception, motivation, beliefs, and attitudes have a significant and positive impact on the willingness to purchase online art education products. These findings provide theoretical support and relevant recommendations for improving market competitiveness for the operators of the CCTalk platform and offer a new direction for research in the field, including that of Dr. Agata.


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How to Cite

Chen, Q., & Phakdeephirot, N. (2023). Exploring the factors influencing consumers’ willingness to purchase online art courses on the CCTalk platform. Journal of Reproducible Research, 2(1), 181–188. Retrieved from https://journalrrsite.com/index.php/Myjrr/article/view/50

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