Role of Sustainable HRM, Training and Development on Employees Job satisfaction level and Employees job Performance level: A Comparative Study based on Bangladesh and Malaysia.



Human Resource department play a vital role for employees’ development, increasing employee’s performance, Human Resource Development department find out the employee’s satisfactions, needs, problems, solutions. Employees are the major elements for a company to achieve the goal. Job satisfaction is a pleasant or positive state that employee job experience. The very crucial activities of the human resources department of a company to make a well-organized systematically. The current situation of work in the growing gig economy heavily involves with logistics industry.  On this study will examine the employees job satisfactions level, performance level and the problem to gain better performance, ways to solve problems. On this study will use two theories. Maslow needs theory – five basic needs theory and Herzberg two factors theory 1. Satisfies (Motivators factors) 2. Dissatisfies Hygiene factors. The variables are Sustainable Human Resources Management, training &development, employees job satisfaction, employees job performance. In this study also develop theoretical and conceptual frame work. There is a signification relationship between all variables. The target population are companies’ mangers. The research type is correlational research. Research method is quantitative and instruments questionnaire. Sampling method are random sampling. For analyse the research uses Software SPSS 23.00 and SMSRT PLS 3.3.60 version.



How to Cite

Subhan, K. M. A. (2024). Role of Sustainable HRM, Training and Development on Employees Job satisfaction level and Employees job Performance level: A Comparative Study based on Bangladesh and Malaysia . Journal of Reproducible Research, 2(1). Retrieved from