Factors to Improve Customer Loyalty towards Yemeni Student Recruitment Agencies in Malaysia



satisfaction, trust, commitment, communication, service quality, customer engagement, customer loyalty


Purpose – Based on several previous academic and business research, this study aims to deliver the understanding of the concept of customer loyalty. In this study, it will be conducted to provide a conceptual framework to explore how relationship quality dimensions and service quality affect customer loyalty through the mediating of customer engagement in student recruitment agencies context. Based on previous studies, it will propose relationship quality and service quality as a comprehensive meaning and customer engagement just as a mediator to enhance loyalty. Design/methodology/approach – The study reviews several previous studies and ends up with the conceptual framework to discuss more applied of relationship marketing and servqual theory to measure customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, communication, and service quality through the quantitative method. Findings – Focusing on the current literature studies of relationship quality dimensions, service quality, and customer engagement enhance the understanding of customer loyalty. So the proposed conceptual framework of the mediating of customer engagement is a very vital role to strengthen the correlation between the factors and customer loyalty. Originality/value – The contribution of the conceptual framework will explain the role of customer engagement on the relationship between satisfaction, trust, commitment, communication, and service quality on customer loyalty. It can be added value on how customer engagement plays a very important role in the recruitment agencies industry which leads to the increasing number of customer



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How to Cite

alkhaled, Y., Raju, V., & Kassim, S. (2023). Factors to Improve Customer Loyalty towards Yemeni Student Recruitment Agencies in Malaysia. Journal of Reproducible Research, 1(1), 50–60. Retrieved from https://journalrrsite.com/index.php/Myjrr/article/view/12