Artificial Intelligence in Libyan Industries: Current State and Future Prospects


  • Musbah Saleh Higher institute of science and technology Marada


This paper critically examines the role and future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the industrial sectors of Libya, offering an in-depth analysis of its current adoption, potential growth, and the consequent impacts on the country's economic and technological landscape. Beginning with a global perspective, the study traces the evolution of AI from its foundational stages to its current status as a key driver of innovation and efficiency in diverse sectors globally. It then narrows its focus to Libya, where the industrial scene is predominantly anchored in the oil and gas sector, exploring how AI is beginning to shape these fields, as well as its emerging presence in manufacturing and agriculture. The analysis acknowledges the unique challenges Libya faces in terms of technological infrastructure and educational readiness for a future shaped by AI. By drawing parallels with similar economies, the study identifies strategic lessons and approaches that could facilitate AI integration in Libya. It forecasts significant growth and diversification of AI applications across Libyan industries, emphasizing the necessity of comprehensive government policies, educational reform, and international collaborations to enable this transition. Conclusively, the paper posits that AI is not merely a technological upgrade but a strategic asset for Libya's economic diversification and technological advancement. It argues for a balanced approach that encompasses ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks to fully leverage AI's capabilities. This comprehensive exploration underscores AI's potential as a transformative force for Libya's industrial sectors, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the nation's economic resilience and technological progress in the digital era. 


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How to Cite

Saleh, M. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Libyan Industries: Current State and Future Prospects. Journal of Reproducible Research, 2(2), 10–18. Retrieved from



